Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Thanks To BIC

Last Saturdays, precisely on 16 June 2012, Qurrotu A'yun Orphanage received assistance in the form of goods. These items consist of several types of basic needs, such as mattresses, pillows, pillowcases, laundry, trash, gas cylinders, stoves and others. This grant is a program that is actively implemented by the BIC as the ORPHANAGE SUPPORT PROGRAM.
This is the second aid that has been received by Qurrotu A'yun Orphanage, the first  aid was received last year (
approximately in November 2011), in the form of food.
On behalf of the entire board of Qurrotu A'yun orphanage and foster children, we thank profusely for all their help was ever given to us. May God avenge all the good deeds of us all, amen.
And I hope that this assistance will continue to foster our children can achieve their goals.

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